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Claudio Rasano,  1970  in  Basel  geboren,  ist  für  seine  Fotografien  mit  namhaften  Preisen  ausgezeichnet  worden,  u.a.  mit  dem Taylor  Wessing  Photographic  Portrait  Prize  der National Gallery London, dem European Publishers  Award  for  Photography  und  dem  American Photo Images of the Year. Seine Arbeiten waren international zu sehen, u.a. in der National Portrait Gallery London, in der Ausstellung der Hasselblad Masters Finalists, an den Fotobuchtagen in  den  Deichtorhallen  Hamburg,  im  Australian  Centre  for  Photography  in  Sydney,  an  der  PHotoEspaña in Madrid und in der Scottish National Gallery  in  Edinburgh. 


Wenn  Rasano  Menschen  fotografiert, zeigt er sein Gegenüber ohne künstliche Verfälschung, meist in realem Licht. Ihm ist  wichtig,  die  Porträtierten  authentisch  abzubilden,  sie  in  ihrem  Umfeld  zu  zeigen. 


Claudio Rasano lebt und arbeitet in Basel.






Claudio Rasano is a photographer who lives in Basel and has been awarded with important prizes such as the Taylor  Wessing  Photographic  Portrait  Prize  of the National Gallery London, the European Publishers  Award  for  Photography  and the American Photo Images of the Year.

His works have been exhibited internationally, for example at the National Portrait Gallery London, the Hasselblad Masters Finalists in London, the Fotobuchtage at the  Deichtorhallen in Hamburg,  at the  Australian  Centre  for  Photography  in  Sydney,  the  PHotoEspaña in Madrid and the Scottish National Gallery  in  Edinburgh. 



The jury of the National Portrait Gallery, composed by Nicholas Cullinan, Philip Prodger, Carole Sandrin and Christiane Monarchi, Nadav Kander and Tim Eyles awarded the Italian-Swiss photographer (born in 1970, Basel, Switzerland)


When Rasano captures people or landscapes, he shows his opposite without artifical distortion, mostly in a natural light. It is important to him to show the subject authentic and in its habitual environment.   


Claudio Rasano lives and works in Basel.






    |    4053 Basel    |    Switzerland    |    |



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